sábado, 30 de mayo de 2015

Exposición en xuño no Ateneo ferrolán.

Pois sí, o próximo venres,  dia 5 de xuño, as 7:30 h,  inauguro a miña primeira exposición de pintura, no Ateneo ferrolán,  Xa non hai volta atrás, así que é millor que me faga a idea., levo un mes disimulando como si a cousa non fora comigo!.

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Congratulations! I knew that you would have an exhibition some day. It's a pity that I could not see it as Spain is so far away from my home country. I am convinced that the visitors will love your art.

Best wishes! Vera

esther dijo...

Thank you, Vera!
(I think that the only visitors will be my own family ha)